contribuições para a reflexão das práticas pedagógicas e sociais no CAESP/APAE




Deficiência intelectual, Educação Especial., Etnomatemática., Formação Continuada


This report was organized from the experiences and memories produced by teachers and professionals in continuing education. Its general objective was to reflectively dialogue with the productions carried out by participants in the training process carried out in a Specialized Educational Service Center (CAESP/APAE). As a result, it stands out: the effective participation of professionals and teachers in training meetings and in the process of recording memories and training experiences with the use of different textual forms; the option for work done in groups, mostly; participation in a training moment open to the community, carried out in partnership with two professors from the University; and the team's commitment to qualifying the proposed educational service and to constant and meaningful reflection on pedagogical and social practices. It reaffirms the importance of articulated work with higher education institutions, with the management of special education spaces, with teachers who seek training and with teachers and professionals to build a meaningful and contextualized action developed with people with intellectual disability.

Author Biographies

Irma Tamanho Sartori, APAE de Ponte Serrada- Santa Catarina

Mestre em educação pela UFFS de Erechim. Professora da Fundação Catarinense de Educação Especial em atuação na APAE de Ponte Serrada- Santa Catarina.

Tanara Terezinha Fogaça Zatti, APAE DE PONTE SERRADA

Doctoral student in Education at the Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC). Master in Educational Practices by the Professional Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul -Erechim (UFFS). Effective Teacher of the Catarinense Special Education Foundation working at the Padre Adriano Temmink Specialized Educational Service Center maintained by the Association of Parents and Friends of the Disabled (APAE) in Ponte Serrada-SC.



How to Cite

Sartori, I. T., & Zatti, T. T. F. (2023). FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES E ETNOMATEMÁTICA: contribuições para a reflexão das práticas pedagógicas e sociais no CAESP/APAE. Apae Ciência, 19(1), 126–136.